M2 Statistics and Risks in engineering


In 2014, a programm in Engineering Mathematics (GM) at INSA Rennes was created with a main focus of training on mathematical modeling for risk management. Therefore, there was an opportunity to propose a new training offer within the Master's degree "Applied Mathematics, Statistics". This master propose 6 options in M2 of which one, entitled "Statistics and Risk in Engineering", is carried by the INSA Rennes.

This program is largely based on five compulsory scientific modules proposed in the last year of Engineering Mathematical Engineering from INSA Rennes and four scientific modules (compulsory choice of two modules out of four) proposed in the option "Data Science". In addition, it includes two compulsory modules of humanities (English, management course) of the INSA engineering training offer.

The students of this course will benefit from the strong involvement of the Mathematical Engineering program with companies.

This M2 option aims at training statisticians in companies, public organizations, or research laboratories whose mission is to answer the problems of data engineering and complex systems.

Entrance requirements

  • 1st year Master in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
  • 2nd year Magistere in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics
  • 4th year INSA engineering studies in Mathematical Engineering
  • equivalent diploma obtained in France or abroad

Level required : very good level in Mathematics (probability, statistics) and 60 ECTS credits at M1 level. Dispensation of M1 can be given after a fourth year in a graduate engineering school (ENSAI, ENSIMAG, etc.).



Application files for the CSM Master by Research are to be sent by Mai 16 to the secretary of the Master degree :

INSA Rennes
Aurore GOUIN - Secrétariat des Masters - Service Recherche
20 avenue des Buttes des Coësmes
CS 70839
35708 Rennes Cedex 7

Or by e-mail to:

Candidates applying via the Study in France platform must submit the INSA application form at the same time as their application. This file must be complete, signed and accompanied by all the additional documents requested.
For the applicant by Study in France, the INSA application file must reach the Masters secretariat by 10 May 2021 at the latest, so that the commissions' replies can be returned to the candidates by 28 May 2021 at the latest".

NB : There is no M1 at INSA Rennes and thus applications are only received at en M2 level. Decisions on acceptance are made after examination of the candidate's application file end of June).

Please note

Jointly approved establishments

  • INSA Rennes
  • Université Rennes 1
  • Université Rennes 2
  • Agrocampus Ouest


Host laboratories

  • IRMAR (Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes), UMR 6625
  • CREST-Ensai (Centre de recherche en économie et statistique)